The Core Trilogy

Through The Body-Mind Connection Method, we’ll help you understand and transform your conscious thoughts, ingrained habits, and physical self through daily practices you can add to your toolkit. We are going to achieve this by looking at the 8 Pillars below.

Grounded Confidence


Believe in your resilience and ability to overcome challenges, even in moments of uncertainty. Embrace who you are now, recognizing that self-acceptance is the cornerstone of personal growth and confidence.

Better Communication


Craft messages that resonate, by closely aligning with your audience’s unique needs and viewpoints. This approach ensures clarity and precision in your interactions, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

Deeper Connections


Cultivate connections based on mutual trust, respect, and genuine care. Establish clear boundaries and maintain an attitude of giving without conditions, ensuring relationships can recover and grow stronger from conflicts.

The 8 Pillars

Active Listening

- Develop your self-awareness and trust in your own instincts.

- Pay closer attention to others, discerning the subtleties in their words and body language.

-Learn how to engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations. Help others feel more understood and genuinely listened to. 


- Establish specific, achievable goals to realize your aspirations.

- Cultivate the habits you've been aiming to adopt.

- Boost your confidence in your capacity for change. 


-Alleviate the pressure of needing to succeed.

- Enhance your confidence and likelihood of success by forming new habits.

- Foster a growth mindset that embraces learning and improvement.

Bodily Sensations

- Enhance your awareness of body sensations to increase your capacity for choice and reduce reactive behavior.

- Modify your posture to convey confidence and influence how you are perceived. - Expand your range of body movements to impact both your presence and emotional state.

- Understand your body to improve your chances of successful habit change.

Cognitive Awareness

- Recognize your strengths and areas for growth to foster self- acceptance and confidence.

- Identify your thought patterns to better manage them and respond more effectively.

- Acknowledge your biases towards others and work to mitigate them for more effective communication.

Perspective Taking

- Observe your own thoughts, sensations, and emotions to manage them effectively and prevent them from taking control.

- Develop the ability to empathize with others to understand their perspective.

- Cultivate the skill to switch perspectives quickly to avoid getting trapped in  moods of self-doubt or other negative emotions.


- Regularly acknowledge your achievements to boost your confidence and maintain a positive outlook.

- Reflect on the kindness and support you've received from others to strengthen your relationships.

- Cultivate a daily gratitude practice to enhance your overall well-being

Trusting your intuition ​

- Develop the habit of pausing to listen to your inner voice before making decisions.

- Differentiate between intuition and fear by assessing the calmness and clarity of your thoughts.

- Trust in your established habits to inform your future decisions 

Zeina created a safe space to express myself. During the sessions, I learned how to improve my self awareness, how to set boundaries and how to create a support system. Zeina also provided me with tools to identify and break patterns. I love how our sessions are flexible and adaptable to my situation.

Marilou Kreidy




Boston, USA


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